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Neuro Therapy at Advanced Healthcare Associates

Resolving the Source of Joint Pain

At Advanced Healthcare Associates, we use Neuro Therapy technology to improve recovery times and reduce chronic joint pain. And we do it without the use of addictive drugs or invasive procedures.

Many patients report their recovery times are 80% faster than traditional therapies.

The Physiology of Joint and Muscle Pain

The human body is designed to move, pain free, at any age. Yet, arthritis forces many to live less than active lives.

Neuro Therapy could be breakthrough you’ve been looking for.

Neuro Therapy addresses two issues that are often overlooked with traditional joint pain management:

  1. Compensation reaction. This is when the location of the pain is not the location of problem. It’s merely compensating for the real issue. We track the “why” and are not distracted by the “where.”
  2. Chronic muscle spasm. When a joint is showing reduced range of motion, muscles are often inappropriately tight. Muscle relaxers may offer temporary relief while ignoring the underlying cause.

Your nervous system controls and regulates every cell, tissue, organ and system of your body. Neuro Therapy recognizes this. That’s why our patients often see such great results.

Neuro Therapy is FDA approved for:

  • Muscle reeducation and retraining
  • Relaxation of muscle spasms
  • Increase of local blood circulation

  • Reduction of muscle atrophy
  • Improved joint of range of motion

Faulty neurological pathways usually accompany chronic joint and muscle pain. High-tech imagery such as MRI and X-rays can’t see these hidden problems.

The first step to find out if your nervous system is communicating properly with affected muscles.

If not, we disrupt this unhealthy pattern. We call this a “reset.”

Like training for an athletic event, repetition is important. We find that a 20-session treatment plan is what it takes. This retrains affected muscles and installs a new, healthier pattern.

As old compensation patterns are reduced, functional strength improves. This permits you to move more freely, reducing guarding and its associated pain. There’s a newfound sense of ease and comfort.

Ask About Neuro Therapy

We’d be delighted to share the success stories of some of our patients. We’ve helped high performing athletes. We’ve seen surgical patients recover more quickly. Many of our seniors are living a more active lifestyle.

Find out more by calling to arrange a no-obligation consultation today.

Neuro Therapy Wheaton, Glen Ellyn IL | (630) 260-1300